Guidelines by the Faculties

Architektur und Raumplanung

Wissensvermittlung, Didaktik und Präsentation (transfer of knowledge, didactics and presentation skills)2–4 ECTS
Personal Soft Skills2–4 ECTS
Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodik (philosphy and methods of science)2–4 ECTS
Thematische Wissenschaftliche Vertiefung (topic-related curricular part)6–12 ECTS

Privatissima and seminars for doctoral candidates may together account for 6 ECTS credits at most.

Since 2020 there is a new guideline for the doctoral program (german).

Source (Status 09.03.2024):

Bauingenieurwesen/Civil Engineering

Courses with 18 ECTS in total that are related to the topic of the dissertation have to be completed. The courses have to be agreed on with the supervisor and approved by the dean of studies. It is also allowed to complete suitable courses that are held at another university (after approval).

Source (Status 09.03.2024):

Maschinenwesen und Betriebswissenschaften

VO, VUmin. 9 ECTS
UE, PRmax. 6 ECTS
SE, PVmax. 6 ECTS

Link to more infos:

Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Courses with significant overlap to courses of the previous master or bachelor studies can be problematic. Apart from that, various master and/or bachelor courses are usually fine. While a strong connection to one’s PhD topic is definitely reasonable, it is not a must.  The “Privatissimum für DissertantInnen” (4 ECTS)  and the “DissertantInnensminar” (2 ECTS) are usually included in the curricular part.

Source: personal experience (Status 2017)

Technische Mathematik

VO, VUmin. 9 ECTS
UE, PRmax. 6 ECTS
SE, PVmax. 6 ECTS

Link to more infos:

Geodäsie und Geoinformation

VO, VUmin. 10 ECTS
PR, UEmax. 6 ECTS
PV, SEmax. 6 ECTS

Link to more infos:

Technische Physik

PV + Workshop2-5 ECTS

Technische Chemie

max. 6 ECTS SE, PV; laboratory excercises only in special cases; excercise courses are normally not accepted. The dean of studies decided that the ECTS points are 1.5 times the amount of hours on the course certificate in the case of VO and VU and exactly the amount of hours in all other cases, regardless of the ECTS points mentioned on the course certificate.


VO, VUmin. 9 ECTS
SE, UE, RU, LU, PA, KU, PVmax. 6 ECTS
Soft Skill LVAenmax. 3 ECTS
Summer Schools*max. 6 ECTS

Summer Schools can only be accepted if they cover a relevant scientific specialisation. To proof this, a written report and a confirmation of the advisor is necessary.

Source (Status 09.03.2024):

Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik

max. 6 ECTS SE or PV.

6 ECTS fundamental courses, of which at least on methodology course, 12 ECTS area courses.
Source (Status 09.03.2024): Standard Procedure for Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Informatics