Required coursework

How many ECTS credits are required in the doctoral programme?

According to the current curriculum the dissertation comprises 180 ECTS credits. The writing of the thesis itself counts for 162 credits, the remaining 18 credits are the curricular part. The choice of the courses for the curricular part has to be agreed on with the supervisor and has to be approved by the dean of studies (ideally in advance). It is advisible to talk about this choice in advance with both parties to rule out problems.

Are there any restrictions regarding the courses?

There are some “hard” restrictions:

  1. You cannot choose any course that you have already used for another programme.
  2. There are seperate requirements for each field of study/faculty, see the guidelines for the curricular part.
  3. If you are member of a graduate school (DK), there might be stricter guidelines, and you may be required to take certain special lectures. These guidelines can lead to more than 18 ECTS you have to complete.

The final decision regarding the curricular part is made by the dean of studies.

With the approval of the supervisor and dean of studies, it is possible to choose any courses and lectures from all available academic programmes to fill your required coursework!

Is the Privatissimum (exclusive tutorium) part of the curricular part?

The dean of studies has to approve your choice of subjects. There are different guidelines for each field of study regarding the number of credits that are classificated as seminary (SE) or privatisima (PV). The guidelines are usually announced on the homepage of the according faculty/deans office. They are also summarized here.

Can I include courses that I completed before enrolling in the doctoral programme in my selection?

Yes, as long as you did not use them in order to get another degree.

Are there any general courses for scientific working?

The following courses are just some options how to learn specific topics, but if you want to use them for the curricular part of your dissertation please add this courses to your Theses-Agreement (if there are ECTS for the course) and let it sign by your supervisor and the dean of studies, to be sure that you can actually use them for your dissertation.

There are some courses of the Internal Continuing Education programme of TU Wien. These courses do not give ECTS credits and (in principle) you have to be employed at TU to attend them. However, if you contact the presenter, you might be admitted if you are not employed at TU.

Some useful courses may be:
Good Scientific Practice und Plagiatsprävention
Effective scientific writing
EndNote – Zitieren und Literaturverwaltung leicht gemacht
MS Office Excel Grundlagen
MS Office Excel Fortgeschritten
Improving Your Scientific Papers
Kostenfreies Open-Access-Publizieren
Open Access, free of charge

General Science/Research related courses targeted at PhD students:

184.778 VU Research and Career Planning for Doctoral Students (3.0 ECTS)

195.080 VU Philosophy of Science (3.0 ECTS)

195.079 VU Fundamental Research Methods for PhD Students (3.0 ECTS)  


308.877 VU How to write a scientific paper (2.0 ECTS)

163.103 VU The Craft of Scientific Writing (3.0 ECTS)  


101.463 VU Computer mathematics (5.5 ECTS)

242.022 SE EDP in Civil Engineering (2.5 ECTS)  


242.031 SE Programming in Civil Engineering (3.0 ECTS)

107.A24 VO Statistical methods of data analysis (3.0 ECTS)

107.A25 UE Statistical methods of data analysis (1.5 ECTS)

389.171 SE Digital Communications Seminar (3.0 ECTS)

105.679 VU Programming with MATLAB (2.0 ECTS)  


101.463 VU Computer mathematics (5.5 ECTS)  


101.463 VU Computer mathematics (5.5 ECTS)

362.153 SE Scientific Programming in Python (2.0 ECTS)

142.351 UE Statistical Methods of Data Analysis (3.0 ECTS)

317.530 VU Fundamentals in Programming for MB, WIMB and VT (4.0 ECTS)

120.050 VU Introduction to Python programming for geoscience (1.5 ECTS)

184.791 UE Introduction to the Fundamentals of Programming for Students and Refugees (6.0 ECTS)  


362.153 SE Scientific Programming in Python (2.0 ECTS)

120.050 VU Introduction to Python programming for geoscience (1.5 ECTS)


126.101 VU Programming cartographic tasks (3.0 ECTS)

280.290 VU We-based Geoinformation in the Planning Process (6.0 ECTS)  


384.061 VU Object-oriented Programming (3.0 ECTS)

185.A02 VU Foundations of Program Construction (2.9 ECTS)

183.592 UE Program Construction in Practice (5.9 ECTS)

185.A05 VU Advanced Functional Programming (3.0 ECTS)

185.A91 VU Introduction to Programming 1 (5.5 ECTS)

185.A03 VU Functional Programming (3.0 ECTS)  


101.275 VU Introduction to Programming (6.0 ECTS)

360.016 VU Programming 1 (4.0 ECTS)

360.017 VU Programming 2 (4.0 ECTS)

138.066 VU Computing for TPH I (4.0 ECTS)

184.791 UE Introduction to the Fundamentals of Programming for Students and Refugees (6.0 ECTS)

352.002 SE Technical programming in C++ (2.0 ECTS)  


138.089 VU Scientific Computing (3.0 ECTS)

138.094 VU Numerical methods and simulation (6.0 ECTS)  

Programming general:

185.208 VU Programming Languages (3.0 ECTS)

259.350 VU Programming for Architects (3.0 ECTS)

185.A82 VU Programming for female first-year students (2.0h; 0.0 ECTS)

185.A86 VU Programming for first-year students (2h; 0.0 ECTS)  

OpenMP; MPI:

134.217 SE VSC-School Seminar for the (3.0 ECTS)  


134.217 SE VSC-School Seminar for the (3.0 ECTS)  

Image Processiong:

122.422 VO Digital Image Processing in Surveying and Geoinformation (1.5 ECTS)  


242.023 SE CAD in Civil Engineering (2.0 ECTS) 2

42.024 SE CAD in Building Construction (2.0 ECTS)

242.025 SE CAD in Structural Engineering (2.0 ECTS)  


242.016 SE Presentations I (for Civil Engineers) (3.0 ECTS)

242.017 SE Presentations II (for Civil Engineers) (3.0 ECTS)  

Finite Elements:

317.482 SE Seminar in Finite Elements and Numerical Engineering Methods (2.0 ECTS)

202.653 VU Finite Elements Methods (4.0 ECTS)

202.660 VU Finite Element Methods 2 (4.0 ECTS)  

Statistic (Software: R):

107.106 VO Statistical Computing (3.0 ECTS)  

Molecular Dynamics:

362.151 VU Semiconductor Process Modeling (3.0 ECTS)

165.091 VU Theoretische Chemie (4.0 ECTS)

308.882 VO Atomistic Materials Modelling (3.0 ECTS)  


242.022 SE EDP in Civil Engineering (2.5 ECTS)

242.020 SE Excel Advanced for Engineers (2.0 ECTS)  

MS Project:

242.022 SE EDP in Civil Engineering (2.5 ECTS)